Air Force Combat Logistics Support System (September 02, 2011, 76 FR 54742)
F023 AF IL A
Government Furnishings Issue Records (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F023 AF IL B
Base Service Store/Tool Issue Center Access (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F023 AF IL C
Personal Clothing and Equipment Record (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
Cargo Movement Operations System Records (December 04, 2008, 73 FR 73926)
F024 AF IL A
Household Goods Nontemporary Storage System (NOTEMPS) (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F024 AF IL B
Personal Property Movement Records (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F024 AF IL C
Motor Vehicle Operator's Records (December 10, 2013, 78 FR 74122)
War Souvenir Registration/Authorization (February 06, 2008, 73 FR 6937)
F031 11 AF SPS A
Presidential Advance Agent Scheduling System Record (November 12, 2008, 73 FR 66866)
F031 497IG A
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Personnel Records (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
(k)(2) and (k)(5)
F031 497IG B
Special Security Case Files (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F031 497IG D
Intelligence Applicant Files (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SF A
Correction and Rehabilitation Records (August 29, 2003, 68 FR 51998)
F031 AF SF B
Security Forces Management Information System (March 18, 2010, 75 FR 13096)
F031 AF SF C
Complaint/Incident Reports (August 07, 2009, 74 FR 39674)
F031 AF SF D
Field Interview Card (August 07, 2009, 74 FR 39674)
F031 AF SF F
Notification Letters to Persons Barred From Entry to Air Force Installations (August 07, 2009, 74 FR 39674)
F031 AF SF G
Pickup or Restriction Order (August 07, 2009, 74 FR 39674)
F031 AF SP H
Provisional Pass (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP I
Registration Records (Excluding Private Vehicle Records) (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP J
Serious Incident Reports (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP K
Vehicle Administration Records (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP L
Traffic Accident and Violation Reports (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP N
Special Security Files (June 11, 1997, 62 FR 31793)