About the Office


DoD OATSD(PCLT) Leadership

Ms. Joo Chung, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency (ATSD(PCLT)), DoD Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer, and DoD Chief FOIA Officer

Ms. Rahwa Keleta, Chief, Privacy and Civil Liberties Division

DoD Component Leadership for Privacy, Civil Liberties, and FOIA

  • Individual DoD Components must appoint senior officials to serve as the lead for the privacy and civil liberties programs within the Component.  To find the Privacy and Civil Liberties leadership and contacts within individual DoD component organizations, please visit our Privacy and Civil Liberties Contacts page.
  • DoD operates 33 individual FOIA programs. To contact the FOIA public liaisons within individual DoD component organizations, please visit FOIA gov.
