About the Office

DPCLO Guidance

Defense Privacy Board Advisory Opinions


Prior to implementation of the Privacy Act on September 27, 1975, some components issued single blanket orders or other official documents concerning such personnel actions as promotions, discharges, temporary duty orders, permanent change of station orders, etc. Those documents contained limited amounts of information about each of the individuals named in them, such as Social Security numbers, homes of record, home addresses, etc. Nevertheless, disclosure of the documents to the individuals named in them is not prohibited by the Privacy Act as long as:

  • The documents are filed in their official personnel records;
  • The documents previously were furnished to the named individuals; and
  • The documents were created prior to September 27, 1975.

Nothing in this advisory opinion should be construed as limiting access by an individual to third party information required to be disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. See 5 U.S.C. § 552a(b)(2).