Appendix F—Format for New or Altered System Report
(See paragraph (c) of §310.33)
The report on a new or altered system shall consist of a transmittal letter, a narrative statement, and include supporting documentation.
A. Transmittal Letter
The transmittal letter shall be prepared by the Defense Privacy Office and shall contain assurances that the new or altered system does not duplicate any existing Component systems, DoD-wide systems or government-wide systems. The narrative statement, and the system notice, shall be attached thereto.
B. Narrative Statement
The statement shall include information on the following:
- System name and number;
- Purpose of (establishing/modifying) the system;
- Specific authority for maintenance of the system;
- Evaluation on the probable or potential effect on the privacy of individuals;
- Routine use compatibility;
- OMB information collection requirements;
- Name of IT system (state NONE if paper records only); and
- Is the system, in whole or in part, being (maintained, collected, used, or disseminated) by a contractor?
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