Appendix H—Litigation Status Sheet

(See §310.49)

Litigation Status Sheet

1. Case Number1
     1 Number used by the Component for reference purposes.

2. Requester

3. Document Title or Description2
     2 Indicate the nature of the case, such as, “Denial of access,” “Refusal to amend,” “Incorrect records,” or other      violations of the Act (specify).

4. Litigation
a. Date Complaint Filed
b. Court
c. Case File Number1

5. Defendants (DoD Component and individual)

6. Remarks (brief explanation of what the case is about)

7. Court Action
a. Court's Finding
b. Disciplinary Action (as appropriate)

8. Appeal (as appropriate)
a. Date Complaint Filed
b. Court
c. Case File Number
d. Court's Finding
e. Disciplinary Action (as appropriate)

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