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F023 AF IL C Personal Clothing and Equipment Record  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F024 AF IL A Household Goods Nontemporary Storage System (NOTEMPS)  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F024 AF IL B Personal Property Movement Records  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F031 497IG A Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Personnel Records  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793) (k)(2) and (k)(5)
F031 497IG B Special Security Case Files  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793) (k)(5)
F031 497IG D Intelligence Applicant Files  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP H Provisional Pass  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP I Registration Records (Excluding Private Vehicle Records)  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP J Serious Incident Reports  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP K Vehicle Administration Records  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP L Traffic Accident and Violation Reports  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F031 AF SP N Special Security Files  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793) (k)(5)
F031 AF SP O Documentation for Identification and Entry Authority  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F031 SAFPA A Requests for Access to Classified Information by Historical Researchers  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F033 ARPC A Background Material  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F033 ARPC B Locator or Personnel Data  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F033 CVAE A Secretary of the Air Force Historical Records  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F034 AF SVA B Non-appropriated Fund (NAF) Civilian Personnel Records-Manpower  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F034 AF SVA E Check Cashing Privilege Files  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)
F035 AF SAFPA A Special Events Planning - Protocol  (June 11, 1997,  62 FR 31793)