System of Record Notices (SORNs)

DoD Component SORNs


Please see the below table for the SORNs associated with the:

Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff (OSD/JS)


  System ID System Name FR Citation

Hyperlink to FR Notice


Hyperlink to FR Implementation Rule

  AARO-0001 All-domain Anomaly Resolution and Anomalous Phenomena Program Records May 6, 2024
89 FR 37182
  DAFIS 01 Visual Information Management System (VIMS) July 8, 2004
69 FR 41232
  DAU 06 Defense Acquisition University (DAU), Visual Arts and Press Records October 20, 2016
81 FR 72575
  DAU 07 Acquisition Community Connection (ACC) Members Records November 12, 2008
73 FR 66851
  DAU 08 Defense Acquisition University Student Information System (SIS) December 30, 2014
79 FR 78412
  DCIO 01 Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity (CS) Activities Records May 17, 2019
84 FR 22477
  DCMO 01 DoD DoD Federal Docket Management System (DoD FDMS) July 27, 2015
80 FR 44333
  DCMO 02 Civil Liberties Program Case Management System February 11, 2016
81 FR 7327
(j)(2), (k)(1) (k)(2), (k)(5)
  DFMP 06 DoD Priority Placement Program (STOPPER LIST) February 22, 1993
58 FR 10227
  DGC 02 Private Relief Legislation File SORN RESCINDED
April 4, 2017
82 FR 16382
  DGC 04 Personnel Security Clearance Adjudication Files July 18, 1996
61 FR 37447
  DGC 17 Hearings and Appeals Case Files July 18, 1996
61 FR 37447
  DGC 18 DoD Roster of Neutrals May 28, 1998
63 FR 29188
  DGC 19 DoD Final Personnel and General Claims and Waiver Files December 10, 1998
63 FR 68256
  DGC 21 Qualification of Civilian Defense Counsel for Military Commissions June 12, 2003
68 FR 35203
  DGC 22 Office of Military Commissions (OMC) Victim and Witness Assistance Program Records January 12, 2022
87 FR 1730
  DGC 23 Office of Military Commissions (OMC), Office of Court Administration's Nominees and Panel Member Records October 15, 2021
86 FR 57415
  DHRA 01 PERSEREC Espionage Database November 15, 2002
67 FR 69205
  DHRA 02 PERSEREC Research Files July 20, 2009
74 FR 35161
  DHRA 03 Survey Data and Assessment July 28, 2021
86 FR 40498
  DHRA 04 Joint Advertising, Market Research & Studies (JAMRS) Recruiting Database October 16, 2019
84 FR 55291
  DHRA 05 Joint Advertising, Market Research & Studies Survey Database (JAMRS) November 7, 2023
88 FR 76740
  DHRA 06 DoD Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) October 9, 2019
84 FR 54127 

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  System ID System Name FR Citation

Hyperlink to FR Notice


Hyperlink to FR Implementation Rule

  DHRA 07 National Language Service Corps (NLSC) Records September 23, 2020
85 FR 59754
  DHRA 08 DoD Defense Travel System March 27, 2020
85 FR 17319
  DHRA 09 National Security Education Program - Information Technology (NSEP-IT) System April 3, 2020
85 FR 18926
  DHRA 10 DoD Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) September 23, 2020
85 FR 59766
  DHRA 13 DoD Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) Workforce Assessment SORN RESCINDED
February 27, 2020
85 FR 11356
  DHRA 14 DoD Commercial Travel Information Management System September 23, 2020
85 FR 59759
  DHRA 15 Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program
This SORN was replaced by DoD 0007.
June 27, 2022
87 FR 38141
  DHRA 16 Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Inquiry and Case Management System (ICMS) September 23, 2020
85 FR 59757
  DHRA 17 DoD Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Member Management System (MMS) November 10, 2020
85 FR 71636
  DHRA 18 DoD DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office Victim Assistance Data Systems October 12, 2018
83 FR 51675
  DHRA 23 DoD Defense Civilian Human Resource Management System (DCHRMS) January 28, 2020
85 FR 4949
  DMDC 01 Defense Manpower Data Center Data Base May 27, 2022
87 FR 32145
  DMDC 02 DoD Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting Systems (DEERS) May 31, 2022
87 FR 32384
  DMDC 04 Non-combatant Tracking System (NTS) & Evacuation Tracking and Accountability System (ETAS) April 15, 2016
81 FR 22242
  DMDC 05 Joint Management Information System (JMIS) April 9, 2024
89 FR 24807
  DMDC 07 Defense Incident-Based Reporting System (DIBRS) October 2, 2007
72 FR 56062
  DMDC 08 Survey and Census Data Base
This SORN was replaced by DHRA 03.
June 27, 2022
87 FR 38141
  DMDC 10 DoD Defense Biometric Identification Data System (DBIDS) February 13, 2015
80 FR 8072
  DMDC 11 DoD Investigative Records Repository
This SORN was replaced by DUSDI 02-DoD.
June 14, 2021
86 FR 31487
(k)(2), (k)(5) 
  DMDC 12 DoD Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)
This SORN was replaced by DUSDI 02-DoD.
June 14, 2021
86 FR 31487
  DMDC 13 DoD Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII)
This SORN was replaced by DUSDI 02-DoD.
June 14, 2021
86 FR 31487

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  System ID System Name FR Citation

Hyperlink to FR Notice


Hyperlink to FR Implementation Rule

  DMDC 15 DoD Armed Services Military Accession Testing February 11, 2015
80 FR 7580
  DMDC 16 DoD Identity Management Engine for Security and Analysis (IMESA) December 21, 2015
80 FR 79310
(j)(2), (k)(3) 
  DMDC 17 DoD Continuous Evaluation Records for Personnel Security
This SORN was replaced by DUSDI 02-DoD.
June 14, 2021
86 FR 31487
(j)(2) (k)(1) - (k)(7) 
  DMDC 18 DoD Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker Enterprise Suite (SPOT-ES) Records August 21, 2018
83 FR 42262
  DMDC 19 DoD Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT)
This SORN was replaced by DUSDI 02-DoD.
June 14, 2021
86 FR 31487
  DMDC 20 Personnel Security Breach Notification and Mitigation Services Records October 30, 2015
80 FR 66883
  DMDC 22 Defense Competency Assessment Tool January 21, 2016
81 FR 3393
  DMDC 23 DoD Investigations and Resolutions Case Management System (IRCMS) March 7, 2016
81 FR 11764
  DMDC 24 DoD Defense Information System for Security (DISS)
This SORN was replaced by DUSDI 02-DoD.
June 14, 2021
86 FR 31487
  DMDC 27 DoD Defense Injury and Unemployment Compensation System (DIUCS) October 7, 2016
81 FR 69801
  DNDU01 National Defense University (NDU) Student Data Files September 21, 2010
75 FR 57458
  DoDEA 21 Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Labor and Employment Grievance Records December 4, 2008
73 FR 73923
  DoDEA 23 Educator Certification/Recertification Files May 31, 2006
71 FR 30877
  DoDEA 26 Department of Defense Education Activity Educational Records April 29, 2011
76 FR 24001
  DoDEA 27 Department of Defense Education Activity Research Approval Process October 24, 2013
78 FR 63458
  DoDEA 28 Department of Defense Education Activity Summer Workshop Application SORN RESCINDED
February 27, 2020
85 FR 11354
  DoDEA 29 Department of Defense Education Activity Non-DoD Schools Program October 5, 2011
76 FR 61675
  DoDEA 30 DoDEA Travel Orders Processing System (TOPS) May 19, 2011
76 FR 28961
  DPA 01 Public Affairs Management Information System (PAMIS) October 26, 2012
77 FR 65370
  DPA 02 AFNConnect (AFNC) and AFN Now January 28, 2022
87 FR 4572

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  System ID System Name FR Citation

Hyperlink to FR Notice


Hyperlink to FR Implementation Rule

  DPA 03 Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (JCOC) Files March 8, 2019
84 FR 8513
  DPA 04 Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) November 14, 2022
87 FR 68140
  DPAD 12.0 DoD Media Pool and Pentagon Correspondent Files May 3, 2021
86 FR 23352
  DPFPA 01 Pentagon Facilities Access Control Records June 28, 2024
89 FR 53971
  DPFPA 03 Pentagon Facilities Emergency and Incident Notification Records
This SORN was replaced by DCIO 02 DoD.
June 14, 2021
86 FR 31487
  DPFPA 04 Shift Management System October 1, 2013
78 FR 60264
  DPFPA 05 Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD/RMS) October 30, 2014
79 FR 64582
(j)(2), (k)(2) 
  DPFPA 06 Internal Affairs Records System September 30, 2015
80 FR 58717
(j)(2), (k)(2) 
  DPFPA 07 Counterintelligence Management Information System (CIMIS) September 30, 2015
80 FR 58720
  DPR 30 DoD Department of Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) Records April 10, 2015
80 FR 19290
  DPR 31 Personal Commercial Solicitation Evaluation SORN RESCINDED
July 19, 2006
71 FR 41000
  DPR 40 DoD Recovery Coordination Program Support Solution December 30, 2014
79 FR 78411
  DPR 42 CLOSED - Vietnamese Commando Compensation Files April 16, 2013
78 FR 22526
  DPR 44 DoD DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS) December 19, 2018
83 FR 65158
  DPR 45 Military OneSource Business Operations Information System December 21, 2022
87 FR 78093
  DPR 46 Military Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) and Career Advancement Account Scholarship (MyCAA) Programs July 8, 2021
86 FR 36124
  DPR 47 DoD Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) Career Portal March 19, 2018
83 FR 11994 
  DPR 48 Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute Integrated Database 
This SORN was replaced by DoD 0005.
June 27, 2022
87 FR 38141
  DPR 50 Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth (PSB-CY) Information System August 23, 2021
86 FR 47089
  DSCA 02 GlobalNET Outreach and Collaboration Platform April 24, 2018
83 FR 17808
  DSCA 03 Regional Center Persons/Activity Management System (RCPAMS) December 19, 2018
83 FR 65156
  DSCA 04 Adjunct Faculty Information Records May 31, 2024
89 FR 47137

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  System ID System Name FR Citation

Hyperlink to FR Notice


Hyperlink to FR Implementation Rule

  DSCA 05 Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM) Information System Mission (DISM) November 21, 2019
84 FR 64281
  DSCA 06 Defense Security Assistance Management System (DSAMS) September 9, 2016
81 FR 62484
  DSCA 07  Security Assistance Network (SAN)  January 16, 2020
85 FR 2728
  DSMC 02 Defense Acquisition University Student Files March 27, 2003
68 FR 14950
  DSMC 07 DSMC Library and Learning Resource Center August 25, 1995
60 FR 44324
  DSMC 08 Research and Engineering Prize Competition SORN RESCINDED
February 27, 2020
85 FR 11355
  DTIC 01 Defense User Registration System (DURS) Records February 21, 2017
82 FR 11193
  DUSDA 14 Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Information Management System October 29, 2020
85 FR 68567
  DUSDA 15 AT&L External Account Creation System (EACS) October 29, 2015
80 FR 66511
  DUSDC 02 Forms and Account Management Service (FAMS)

January 14, 2020
85 FR 2112

March 24, 2020
85 FR 16620

  DUSDC 03 Financial Management Online (FM Online) June 2, 2020
85 FR 33635
  DUSDP 08 DoD Foreign Visits System (FVS) February 22, 1993
58 FR 10227
  DUSDP 11 POW/MIA Personnel Files October 7, 2016
81 FR 69795
  DWHS C01 Enterprise Support Portal (ESP) November 05, 2015
80 FR 68517
  DWHS D01 DoD National Capital Region Mass Transportation Benefit Program


January 26, 2024
89 FR 5216

September 27, 2018
83 FR 48809
  DWHS D03 CLOSED - Washington Headquarters Services (WHS) Enterprise Safety Applications Management System (ESAMS) February 13, 2014
79 FR 8685
  DWHS D04 Pentagon Facilities Parking Program February 11, 2016
81 FR 7325
  DWHS E02 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Case Files


June 30, 2023
88 FR 42344

(j)(2) (k)(1) - (k)(7) 
  DWHS E03 Security Review Tracking Application (SRTA) August 11, 2015
80 FR 48080
  DWHS E04 Privacy Act Case Files


June 30, 2023
88 FR 42344

(j)(2) (k)(1) - (k)(7)
  DWHS E05 Requestor Database for Office of the Secretary of Defense Mandatory Declassification Reviews April 2, 2020
85 FR 18567
  DWHS E06 Correspondence and Task Management System (CATMS) SORN RESCINDED
March 7, 2019
84 FR 8320
(j)(2) (k)(1) - (k)(7) 

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  System ID System Name FR Citation

Hyperlink to FR Notice


Hyperlink to FR Implementation Rule

  DWHS M01 WHS Living Disaster Recovery Planning System (LDRPS) Records SORN RESCINDED
April 30, 2019
84 FR 18271
  DWHS P04 Reduction-In-Force Case Files February 25, 2016
81 FR 9461
  DWHS P18 Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification Badge System April 20, 2016
81 FR 23279
  DWHS P28 Personnel Security Operations File
This SORN was replaced by DUSDI 02-DoD.
June 27, 2022
87 FR 38141
  DWHS P29 Personnel Security, Suitability, and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) Adjudications
This SORN was replaced by DUSDI 02-DoD.
June 27, 2022
87 FR 38141
  DWHS P37 Grievance and Unfair Labor Practices Records December 6, 2013
78 FR 73507
  DWHS P42 Pentagon Police Department Incident Reporting and Investigations Case Files July 23, 2003
68 FR 43498
  DWHS P45 OSD/Joint Staff Voluntary Leave Transfer Program Records November 4, 2015
80 FR 68299
  DWHS P49 Reasonable Accommodation Program Records
This SORN was replaced by DoD 0007.
June 27, 2022
87 FR 38141
  DWHS P50 iCompass, Learning Management System (LMS)
This SORN was replaced by DoD 0005.
June 27, 2022
87 FR 38141
  DWHS P51 WHS DefenseReady April 22, 2015
80 FR 22503
  JS001MILPERS Joint Staff Medals and Awards Files and Report System; Microfilmed Historical Awards February 22, 1993
58 FR 10557
  JS004SECDIV Joint Staff Security Clearance Files August 25, 1995
60 FR 44322
  WUSU 03 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) Student Records February 10, 2009
74 FR 6579
  WUSU 04 Applicant Record System Records May 20, 2010
75 FR 28240
  WUSU 07 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Grievance Records December 23, 2016
81 FR 94347
  WUSU 20 Personnel Radiation Exposure Records August 1, 1996
61 FR 40201


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